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New Canon's CMOS sensor: perfect for UfocaptureHD

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登録日: 2011.01.08
記事: 34

記事日時: Tue Mar 05, 2013 6:35 am    記事の件名: New Canon's CMOS sensor: perfect for UfocaptureHD 引用付きで返信

The future Canon CMOS sensor promises to revolutionize amateur astrophotography!

It's amazing as demonstrated in this video:

I suppose it is perfect for use with UfocaptureHD

More information on:

[ ]´s
Site Admin

登録日: 2004.08.07
記事: 12971
所在地: 139.67E 35.65N

記事日時: Tue Mar 05, 2013 8:04 am    記事の件名: Re: New Canon's CMOS sensor: perfect for UfocaptureHD 引用付きで返信

Thanks for info.
Better than EM-CCD? Wow....
I should go to SECURITY SHOW 2013 that begins today, and get info about when and how much Wink

Now I came back from the exhibition. I saw the real one today.
It was truly amazing Shocked

They say it is almost equivalent to ISO 150000 of DSRs. It can be used for 1920x1080/30p to 120p.
I thought it is actually far better than other video cameras
including WAT902H2U, DMC-GH3, EOS C300 and even EM-CCD cameras.

But they are saying "any production plan does not exist now, it is in the stage of evaluation of the sensor." Sad

登録日: 2011.01.08
記事: 34

記事日時: Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:10 am    記事の件名: 引用付きで返信

More promising technologies are coming,

"Graphene Image Sensor Achieves New Level of Light Sensitivity"


The full article published in Nature can be read here:



登録日: 2011.01.08
記事: 34

記事日時: Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:14 am    記事の件名: Re: New Canon's CMOS sensor: perfect for UfocaptureHD 引用付きで返信

SonotaCo wrote:
Thanks for info.
Better than EM-CCD? Wow....
I should go to SECURITY SHOW 2013 that begins today, and get info about when and how much Wink

Now I came back from the exhibition. I saw the real one today.
It was truly amazing Shocked

They say it is almost equivalent to ISO 150000 of DSRs. It can be used for 1920x1080/30p to 120p.
I thought it is actually far better than other video cameras
including WAT902H2U, DMC-GH3, EOS C300 and even EM-CCD cameras.

But they are saying "any production plan does not exist now, it is in the stage of evaluation of the sensor." Sad

Wow!! (only now I saw your feedback !! )

You have some new informations ?

[ ]´s
Site Admin

登録日: 2004.08.07
記事: 12971
所在地: 139.67E 35.65N

記事日時: Sun Nov 24, 2013 7:30 am    記事の件名: Re: New Canon's CMOS sensor: perfect for UfocaptureHD 引用付きで返信

APODman wrote:
You have some new informations ?
no, they are still inside of wall Wink
Bill W

登録日: 2012.02.13
記事: 189
所在地: Glasgow

記事日時: Mon Nov 25, 2013 7:17 am    記事の件名: 引用付きで返信

Hi All,

I read about this a while back but hadn't seen the video, fantastic!

It's interesting that plain and simple physics reality is coming back into imaging.
Pixels were getting smaller and smaller to increase pixel count in order to boost sales.
(" camera's got more pixels than yours....") Rolling Eyes

Now to get good PERFORMANCE finally a manufacturer has built a sensor with BIG pixels.
19um is nearly 16 times bigger (area wise) than a consumer dslr device pixel size.
16 times bigger, 16 times more photon capture area, brilliant!

It'll probably cost an absolute FORTUNE Sad , better start saving now! Wink

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William Stewart

登録日: 2010.08.11
記事: 13

記事日時: Mon Apr 18, 2016 11:25 pm    記事の件名: Canon ME200S-SH Video Camera 引用付きで返信

Is this the first production model from Canon featuring this sensor?
Site Admin

登録日: 2004.08.07
記事: 12971
所在地: 139.67E 35.65N

記事日時: Tue Apr 19, 2016 6:53 am    記事の件名: Re: Canon ME200S-SH Video Camera 引用付きで返信

William Stewart wrote:
Is this the first production model from Canon featuring this sensor?

Yes, I believe.
Yet, it comes out with fair price Shocked for professional productions.
Leo S

登録日: 2012.10.13
記事: 16

記事日時: Mon Mar 13, 2017 9:07 am    記事の件名: 引用付きで返信

I didn't notice it posted before on this forum so perhaps this may be of interest.

Perseid meteors captured with Canon ME20F-SH:

It's now relatively old technology, and I guess there must be something even better by now.
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